Whether you’re self-publishing, seeking an agent, seeking an independent publisher, or already have a publishing contract and need help with a revision, I offer a wide range of editorial and consulting services to fit your needs and budget. I have extensive experience with both fiction and non-fiction projects—both completed manuscripts and book proposals. (I have not worked much on cookbooks or finance/business books, so I’d suggest finding a different editor for those kinds of projects. New York Book Editors, Reedsy, and Gotham Ghostwriters are all good groups to check out.) I do not offer copy-editing or proofreading services, though a line edit will incorporate a light copy edit. If you don't see what you're looking for below, please feel free to contact me with a description of your project, and we can discuss whether I'm the right person for you.



Perhaps you’ve never published a book before and want to know whether self-publishing or traditional publishing is right for you. Or you’re looking for an agent or independent press, but don't know where to start. Perhaps you don’t know what category or genre your book project is, or how best to talk about it. For an hourly rate, I will talk to you on the phone or via Zoom and offer specific advice and insight based on your particular project.

Line Editing

Once a manuscript has undergone a developmental edit and is structurally sound, I’ll polish and fine-tune your prose so that it reads more fluidly.  I will read it twice over, going through line-by-line to tighten sentences, reduce repetition, improve diction/language, increase clarity, and strengthen flow. This is a much more detailed edit of your work than a developmental edit, and includes a light copy edit, 1-hour phone call following delivery of the edit, and optional review of your query letter.

Query Letter Review

The query letter—the letter authors use to get the attention of an agent and/or independent publisher—is its own art. There are “dos and don’ts,” things to incorporate and things to absolutely avoid, that can make all the difference in getting publishing professionals to request your pages. For a flat rate, I will review and edit your query letter, then talk to you about it over the phone.

Diagnostic Editing

You’ve gone through as many revisions of your manuscript or proposal as you possibly can and can no longer see the forest for the trees. Or you’re suspicious the friends and family you’ve had read it are not telling you the full truth about it…if they’ve really read it at all. Maybe you’re concerned their feedback is, at the end of the day, not all that useful in getting a real sense of what agents and editors will see when they read it…. 

If you’re looking for some honest, straightforward, and constructive feedback on your proposal, manuscript, or sample chapters, I will review your work and provide editorial feedback (in the form of an editorial letter and marginal comments) that will specify suggestions on problems of structure/outline, character, plot, pacing, world-building, and diction/language. This is a full evaluation of your manuscript, as an editor at a publishing house would do for you, and includes a 1-hour phone call and an optional review of your query letter. 

First 30 Pages Review

If you’ve queried before, you may have noticed that many agents request not your full manuscript, but just the first 30 pages. What’s that about? Whether they request a partial or the full manuscript, many agents consider the first 30 pages to be an accurate microcosm of the whole book… enough to get past the seductive, fantastic opener so many books lead with only to peter out as the pages continue. Other manuscripts open quietly and build into something gripping by page 30; but either way, the way agents see it, if nothing is really keeping them going after page 30, it’s fair to say nothing will. For a flat rate, I will review your first 30 pages, provide marginal comments, and talk to you about them via Zoom or over the phone.

Disclaimer: Working with me does not guarantee that you'll get a contract with an agent or publisher. All services described above are offered on a freelance basis only and I make no claim to represent any publisher or other business with which I may have an affiliation or relationship. 

Rates: Each project is distinct. To inquire about rates, please email me or use the contact form with a description/synopsis of your project and the word count, a bit about you/your writing background, and what you are looking/hoping for (even if you’re not quite yet sure!). If emailing, please also include the first 25 pages of your manuscript in a Word or PDF attachment.